Templars, We Invite You To 2 Events:
Please join us at this year’s OSMTJ International Convent in Norway August 21st – 23rd.
You’re also invited to our United States Annual Convent October 23rd – 25th at the Compound owned by the OSMTJ, Christ Castle Church in Connecticut, USA.
For more info or to RSVP please email: info(at)OSMTJ.net

———– Past Events ———-

Join Us For Round Table Tonight 9pm E.S.T. / 2am greenwich mean time! Tonight’s Round Table Discussion features our Master of the Order General Ronald Mangum who will talk about the plans and goals for the future of our Order.
Voice Chat Live With Templars Every Thursday 9pm EST/ 2am greenwich mean time. Download: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads for free. Team speak IP address: vs20.tserverhq.com:port=9455Password: nnDnn
———————— Español —————–
Únase a nosotros para la mesa redonda de esta noche 9pm E.S.T. / 2am hora de Greenwich! La discusión de la mesa redonda de esta noche presenta a nuestro Maestro de la Orden, general Ronald Mangum, quien hablará sobre los planes y objetivos para el futuro de nuestra Orden.
Chat de voz en vivo con templarios Todos los jueves a las 9 p.m. EST / 2 a.m. hora del greenwich. Descargar: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads gratis. El equipo habla la dirección IP: vs20.tserverhq.com:port=9455Contraseña: nnDnn
Grand Priory of Scotland, Festival of St. Andrew’s & International Convention (Nov. 27th-29th 2015)
O.S.M.T.J. GRAND PRIORY OF SCOTLAND (Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem)
Dear Members of Chivalry,
Announcing an International St Andrews Convention in Scotland on November 28th, 2015.
Location: Beautiful Dundee, Scotland. Haven’t been Knighted yet? Why not do it in a 14th centuary Scottish Castle!
Location: Balgonie Castle Fife
Accommodation To Be Arranged
Formal Dinner Location: In the Grand Banqueting Hall in the Main Tower
World famous Rosslyn Chapel – On Sunday we will visit the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel to investigate the Templar secrets for ourselves.
Based on the attendance of 35 people the total cost (excluding accommodation) would be £50 for a Knight and £35 for a non knight. The ticket cost includes transport from the hotel to the church and return.
The room rate at the hotel is the same as last year £50 per room inc breakfast.(To be Confirmed)
Dinner is a sit down 3 course meal with vegetarian option, with tea and coffee.
Please arrive on the Friday
Friday Meet and Mingle and Registration in Hotel.
Attending & for more info or to register, please email: info@OSMTJ.net
Investiture at Fortress by the Sea
The Investiture for Florida will take place Saturday February 28, 2015 at 3:30PM at Castle OTTTIS just north of St Augustine, Florida. The Castle and Abbey is a reproduction of a 1000 year old Castle in Ireland. A few slots are still available. The Cost is 125.00 per Aspirant. Each Knight will receive the Accolade, Communion, a Letter Patent of Investiture, appropriate decoration and an 8×10 color picture of them receiving the accolade. Hotel accommodations are available at an excellent oceanfront hotel at additional cost. This is a once in a lifetime event for a Knight Templar. The receiving of the Accolade happens only once in your life as a Knight. We look forward to seeing you there!
For more info, email: info@TheKnightsTemplar.org
Read more about Castle OTTTIS: http://www.castleotttis.com/otttishistory.htm
2016 OSMTJ International Conclave
November 2014 – The OSMTJ International Conclave will meet for a long weekend, Friday – Sunday, in Torres, Brazil. Right on the beach, Torres is incredibly beautiful with many things to do for those that want to extend their stay into a vacation: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g303553-Torres_State_of_Rio_Grande_do_Sul-Vacations.html
International OSMTJ Conclave – Italy
ANNOUNCEMET: Our Regent has set the next OSMTJ International Conclave to meet in Faicchio, Italy in October, 2014 (Faicchio is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Benevento). All are invited and we ask that you simply email: info@OSMTJ.net if you intend to come so we can send a final count.
If you want to be knighted, please let us know by emailing info@OSMTJ.net. Those who are Knighted receive a beautiful certificate. There is a fee for the Knighting and all the details can be addressed via email.
ANNOUNCEMENT from Our Regent: You are all invited to a special OSMTJ Conclave in Brussels, Belgium, Friday, July 25th at 5pm, and Saturday July 26th at 11am. If you are interested in coming, please send an email to info@OSMTJ.net so we can send a count. If you want to be knighted, please let us know by emailing info@OSMTJ.net. Those who are Knighted receive a beautiful certificate.
Excellencies, my lords,
His Excellency the Regent of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem decided to convene an Extraordinary Chapter Magistral to Brussels. The Conclave will be held in July between 25 and 31. You are warmly invited to attend. Timing and agenda of this chapter will be submitted by the Secretary Services Minister Magistral. With my Fraternal Greetings, Non Nobis …