Christian Charity, the calling of EVERY Templar
As Templars, providing for the needs of others in Jesus’ name is a paramount part of, not only our mission, but the calling of Christ placed on our lives. Therefore, as charitable activities unfold across our international order, we will post them here – not because we glory in ourselves or our good works, but because we want to honor Christ and encourage others to get involved in the work He is doing.
We encourage personal involvement from our Members within our activities, with the emphasis on our Order’s declared support aims and on more local, practical good works. Personal involvement helps to ensure that all efforts and donations benefit the intended recipients more completely, and are not diminished by an external charity’s operational expenses.
We aim through our ethos to get involved in activities and situations which other people may find too ‘uncomfortable’ and decline to get involved. Courage, compassion, integrity, humility, faith and self sacrifice are at the core of what it means to be a Templar.
Our Members cover their own expenses to further help ensure that contributions reach those in need of our support in full.
We present a selection of our Christian & Humanitarian activities from our Grand Priories & Commanderies. We always welcome offers of help and support from all people within our local communities, even if only for specific areas of our work and on a temporary basis.
Grand Priory of Colombia – The Priory’s Humanitarian Social Programme
The Priory developed its “Humanitarian Social Programme” in 2015 and is focused on practical social actions in the township of “Ciudad Bolívar” in the city of Bogotá, the most deprived community in Colombia.
The Priory’s activities seek to protect the most vulnerable within the community, providing help with the daily food and medical requirements of families most in need.
The Priory is “At the service of society”, defending traditional family values, seeking justice for the disadvantaged and providing spiritual support during the most difficult circumstances.
Ordre des Templiers de Jérusalem, Principality of Monaco – supports Amade Mondiale in the protection & development of children in need or at risk
The Monaco Order Grand Prieur, Domizio Cipriani and its Members support Amade Mondiale in their good works with donations, other fund raising activities and all royalties from Domizio’s published book sales.

Caroline, Princess of Hanover is the President of Amade Mondiale, its programs focus on the protection, education and health of children in need and at risk around the world. Fighting against abuse, sexual violence, improving access to secondary education, creating awareness of neglected diseases and aiding unaccompanied refugee children.
Grand Priory of Canada – Support Programme for the Homeless

The Grand Priory of Canada provide meals to the homeless, twice weekly, on Wednesdays and on Sundays after Church service – over 5000 meals each year. They also provide clothing, items of personal hygiene and other essentials. As importantly, they give those in sometimes desperate need someone they can talk with or just be listened to. Wherever possible and when appropriate, they also provide guidance to help those individuals improve their circumstances.
OSMTJ Canada encourage all to live by Psalms 82: 3-4: “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
Grand Priory of Lebanon – Supporting 30 families with food and essential supplies

During these increasingly difficult times, the Grand Priory of Lebanon arrange monthly charitable events to fund their donation of food vouchers for 30 families most in need. To date, the Priory has helped over 60 families.
The Priory also arranges for the supply of fresh meat from local butchers.
Grand Priory of Belgium – Supports Plan International in Their Fight Against Child Poverty, Injustice and Inequality
Grand Priory of Belgium permanently supports Plan International and Plan Belgium in particular, the Priory has also ‘adopted’ two children in Asia and Africa, to help provide them with a better future.
Plan International provides assistance in more than 50 of the most vulnerable countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They seek to give children the opportunity to change their living environment and claim their rights. In Belgium they raise awareness among the general public, raise funds and put children’s rights on the agenda of schools, media and politicians.
Plan International works continuously to ensure that underprivileged children get a good start in life. Their aims are: the organization and development of high-quality education, the provision of medical assistance, the protection against abuse and violence, the provision and expansion of drinking water and sanitation, the promotion of sexual health and the prevention of HIV / AIDS. Attempts are also made to give young people a say in taking vital decisions such as marriage,